Sunday, March 27, 2011

Belly Appreciation Pix.

I posted these photos on my Tumblr today. It was really very scary. I lost one follower over this. My boyfriend supported me and posted sweet comments, though, and that felt good. I didn't post the pictures thinking "I'm so hot and I wanna get compliments". I did it to hopefully show some body diversity and positivity. I also did it because I feared it.

The first one is taken with my cell phone cam, and the others with my webcam - same light and clothing. You can tell the difference. It's hard to position yourself so that you get a picture of your full belly, so none of them shows my face. It wasn't meant to be a "headless fatty" thing.

My belly is jiggly and soft, yet somewhat firm. When I gain weight, it always seems to go there first. My fat fetish seems very belly-focused - I love fat bellies on everyone but myself. My own makes me vaguely horrified. This is probably a normal reaction to your own body, given our culture. There are lots of negative messages about belly fat, and I often feel like people are scared of liking a belly, lest it kills you in the end. But it shouldn't be that way. You shouldn't be scared of your own flesh and bone. I want to feel calm about my belly, even if there are risks. There are risks to every body type and lifestyle. That shouldn't be a reason to hate your figure.

Reading about others' thoughts and looking at their pictures, I've gained some kind of respect for my belly. When you look at your own, it always feels OMG HUGE AND HORRIBLE, but maybe that's just the way we're conditioned to think. Other people's bellies look natural and beautiful, even if they're bigger than mine. I like fat, and I enjoy seeing fat bellies, but my own still kind of scres me. That's why I'm posting pictures of it, to make it more real and also less scary for myself.

So there it is.


  1. That is awesome. I love the plus size bellies that are firmer and smooth, etc...I can't remember if mine was ever that way, and since having kids, I have lost the smoothness and uniform look of it all. I the only one whose boobs basically prevent them from looking at their belly very often? I mean sometimes I forget how fat I actually am, I just can't see most of it w/o a body mirror or without doing some odd posturing. lol.

  2. I've noticed a lot of women's bellies are less firm than mine, even smaller ones. Maybe it's a matter of being apple/pear? I seem to have more of an apple body, with smaller thighs and butt.

    It can be a problem with finding clothes, because apparently women's wear designers imagine all of us with big butts and thighs and tiny waists. I tend to favor stretchy waists that go over the whole pot gracefully.

  3. Your belly looks a lot like mine, but cuter :)

  4. Haha, maybe it's just impossible to see your own belly as cute? :D Maybe they're identical! ;)

  5. I love my bf's belly, but my own. I think that is part of the way we see ourselves as woman. We judge our own bodies harder than we judge other people's.

  6. I know, I love my bf's belly too, and many other people's. Maybe men also judge themselves more harshly than others? Or do they?

  7. Thank you for posting them on here and on Tumblr! I recently posted something to chubbybunnies and was debating on weather or not to put it on my blog as well. I think I will, thanks to this post! One lost follower? Their loss! You just gained me as one and hopefully more will follow suit. I have been so inspired and amazed by the FA groups on Tumblr. Together we will change what is seen as "normal!"

  8. Awww, that made me so happy! :D It was really scary to post in my blog, where I mostly post cute animals/BSG stuff/other non-FA things. I wasn't sure at all how people would take it.

    I posted the top picture to Big Belly Babes today. I feel encouraged by all the positive comments.

    I feel almost pretty today! :)

  9. I think your belly looks absolutely lovely here. :)

  10. Why thank you! :) *my belly blushes*
